The metamorphosis of humankind is at our fingertips. The promised Golden Age for Earth Mother and her children is on the horizon. The passage from shadow into light is an open invitation for every one of God's children to choose to be chosen! All you must do is open your heart to the Supreme Being that lives inside of your heart. Whether you refer to that being as God, Spirit, Allah, Brahma, Tao, Great White Spirit, or All That Is; the important thing is to respect and acknowledge everyone's divine right to worship in the way they see fit. There are many rivers to the Great Ocean of Consciousness and as such one should be open to your brother and sisters, regardless of their approach to Spirit. Let the walls of divisiveness come tumbling down to allow the divine consciousness of love and light to permeate and recreate Earth as it was originally intended. To truly be a paradise; an extension of the most perfect and purist divine thought! We are all the light of the world!